21 Jul 2011

Going Natural with Naked Skin

I found these Natural Face products, I've been trying to find face products, I always use pure Tea Tree Oil on my face, especially when I get Break outs, they’re not really bad, just heat reaction really, I use these Tea Tree Oil products also now which I bought, which have no Parabens in them, a Tea Tree Face Exfoliator and a Tea Tree Facial Wash by Superdrug brand.

So these all natural products, they are 97% Natural free from Parabens, SLS and Petrochemicals and I got my first order of the face products the other day, they really work great so far, I'm definitely going Natural and will be using their hair products, body products, hand products, shower products and their face products. They have Shower washes, Body Butters, Fizzy Hair treatments, Treatments for hair that regularly uses heat appliances.

                                                        The Face Products I use


I think considering they are Natural, and their packaging is made up of 50% recycled materials and the price is great when you compare it to products out there that are so far from natural and are extremely expensive and you don't get that much, these products not only have a great price, but you also get products sizes that will actually last you a while.

Most of all I make sure all my products are not tested on Animals, another box ticked, all their products are free from animal testing, and the majority of their products are suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans.

                                                     The Body Products I Got:

Their little quotes for each product, and the little stories they give are really amusing and make you laugh smile and give you the joy that you will be natural from head to toe, I would love them to actually create a foot range and a lip balm, and then they've ticked every beauty box I can think of.

                                                       The Hair Products I use:

P.S I don't wear make-up, but yes they have a range of Natural make up removers. Isn't that great for the Natural mineral make - up users, you'll still have goodness going on your face. Instead of natural mineral make up, and horrible stinging make up remover.

So Naked Body Care is added to my list of Beauty Suppliers, if only I could recycled all my other products in exchange for them, I’ll put them in a box somewhere and when I’ve stacked up on my load of Natural stuff I’ll throw them out, then it will feel like I’ve gained something and not wasted my money on those other products with those ingredients that make my hair look great but damage at the same time. Maybe it seems too good to be true, but hey now I can look good and smell good, and know nothing on my skin or in my hair has been made with harsh chemicals in a lab: D

http://www.nakedbodycare.co.uk/ If you'd like to check out thier website

Off to get my Natural on

Jesus Love

Kenzoe aka Nicole